Play Mixtour

ERROR: open /srv/www/spielstein/web/templates/pages/games/mixtour/play/ no such file or directory
![]({margin-bottom: 10px}/images/games/mixtour/logo.png):/games/mixtour \ <% params[:whitePlayerHuman] = 'true' unless params[:whitePlayerHuman] params[:blackPlayerHuman] = 'false' unless params[:blackPlayerHuman] params[:whiteStrength] = '3' unless params[:whiteStrength] params[:blackStrength] = '3' unless params[:blackStrength] %>
## How to Play [Mixtour Rules](/games/mixtour/rules/official) First 5-stack ends the game. Click on an empty space to drop a single disc. To select a stack, click as many times as you want to pick discs from the top and then click on the space of the receiver stack. Remember to always click inside spaces - **not** discs.
## No Java? You might need to download the latest release of the Java Plugin for this to work.
![]({margin-bottom: 10px}/images/games/mixtour/logo.png):/games/mixtour \ <% params[:whitePlayerHuman] = 'true' unless params[:whitePlayerHuman] params[:blackPlayerHuman] = 'false' unless params[:blackPlayerHuman] params[:whiteStrength] = '3' unless params[:whiteStrength] params[:blackStrength] = '3' unless params[:blackStrength] %>
## How to Play [Mixtour Rules](/games/mixtour/rules/official) First 5-stack ends the game. Click on an empty space to drop a single disc. To select a stack, click as many times as you want to pick discs from the top and then click on the space of the receiver stack. Remember to always click inside spaces - **not** discs.
## No Java? You might need to download the latest release of the Java Plugin for this to work.