A color collection game for 2 players


  • Game board with 49 hexagonal spaces
  • 49 pieces in seven colors (7 × 7)
  • 1 pawn


Get all seven pieces of one color or win by majority.


Spread all pieces at random onto the game board.

It doesn’t matter if two or more pieces of the same color wind up laying next to one another. Only if seven pieces of the same color are adjacent to another should you change the distribution.

A possible game set-up.

The starting player is determined by lot. He gets the pawn. Players then alternate turns.


The starting player places the pawn on a hexagonal space of his choice, takes the playing piece lying there and places it in front of him. This ends his game turn. Now it is the other player’s turn.

A possible first move. Placing the pawn and taking a piece from the board.

From now on, the active player has to move the pawn in any of the six possible directions – straight and, if applicable, accross unoccupied spaces – until it gets to an occupied space. He collects the playing piece lying on that space and places the pawn there.

If he can collect another piece of the same color by continuing to move the pawn, the active player may keep going until he is no longer able or willing to collect another same-colored piece.

Three purple pieces are collected in one turn.

Moves can be stringed together in any direction.

If a player has no possibility of moving because the pawn is not in line with any occupied space, he has to jump the pawn to an occupied space of his choice and collect the piece lying there. As before, he leaves the pawn on this space, and his turn ends.

If the pawn cannot reach an occupied space it has to jump.

End of the game

If one player has collected all seven pieces of one color, he wins immediately.

Otherwise, the player who has collected four or more pieces in at least four colors by the end of the game wins.

Watch out: As long as one player can still get seven pieces of one color to win, the game goes on!

This version: 12 March 2016

English translation: Sybille & Bruce Whitehill, Word for Wort

This version: 12 March 2016

English translation: Sybille & Bruce Whitehill, Word for Wort